Twin Cities Bike Trails_2020

The Twin Cities is crisscrossed with state and regional bike trails. They follow rivers, flow through regional parks, connect cities and explore just about every nook in the Twin Cities. For the most part, the trails are connected, so it is possible to string together segments of trails to make loops, travel across town or test your skills on some of the best mountain bike trails in the state.
The mobile Twin Cities Bike Trails 2020, available on Avenza maps, highlights the most important paved and mountain bike trails, but also shows the smaller city trails. The map is GPS enabled, so you will always know where you are, plus you have the option to record your ride or customize the map with your own placemarks and photos.

Paved trails include
- State trails like the Luce Line and Gateway Trails
- Regional trails like the Dakota Rail Trail and Big Rivers Trail
- Three Rivers Parks Trails like those in Baker Park Reserve and Elm Creek Park Reserve
- Urban trails in Minneapolis and St. Paul. including the Midtown Greenway and Cedar Lake Trail
All major trails show trailheads, amenities, park entrances, parking and a general overview. Paved trail overviews include trail length, surface, connections to other trails and a general description of the terrain and landscape.

Mountain Bike Trails: Shows the exact alignment,* trailheads, park entrances, amenities and overview information. Mountain bike trail overviews show trail length, difficulty, winter use, and general trail descriptions.

*Mountain bike trails are accurate to the degree possible at this scale. You should be able to determine where you are, but may not be able to pinpoint your location along the trail.
Interested in seeing bicycle friendly roads as well as bike trails? Check out the mobile Twin Cities Bike Map