Entire Cannon Valley Trail Open Again
Posted by Bikeverywhere, July 29th, 2012The Cannon Valley Trail Association announced that the entire trail is open again, although sections of the trail are still unpaved. Finishing touches to the trail, including laying asphalt on the unpaved sections, shoulder work and ditch work, will continue for the next couple of weeks. The work will be done on weekdays and trail users may be asked to walk through the construction areas. No trail work will be done on the weekends.
The Cannon Valley Trail is not a state trail. It charges a trail user’s fee for all adult users. The generally good condition of the trail and the current major overhaul demonstrate the value of a consistent, reliable income stream and a governing body that is dedicated to providing users with the best possible trail experience.
This weekend I was on the Sakatah Singing Hills State Trail. The trail surface was poor, with long stretches of bumpy and deteriorating pavement. These conditions have become a depressingly common occurrence on state trails.
Minnesota had the heady experience of receiving a lot of Federal funds for building new trails, but the political climate has been strongly against investing in our future, so funds for ongoing maintenance of the trails have all but disappeared. It’s past time to develop a sustainable method for maintaining our popular, but deteriorating, trail system.